Another new guest today to discuss the US economy including some interesting aspects such as the debt ceiling, digital currencies, where to live cheaply to raise a family and how California is turning into Venezuela.
02:10 0.25% Rate Hike: Too Little, Too Late
04:55 Market Fundamentals Don't Make Sense
07:55 How long will Stock Market Bubble Run?
09:40 Gold March Upward; 1:1 Gold to Dow
11:10 $100 Trillion Debt: US to Raise Debt Ceiling
12:50 Bitcoin & Digital Currency, is it Money?
18:15 Strategic Living: Where's it Cheap to Live?
21:25 California bubble: Mass migration, Leftists
24:25 California will end up like Venezuela
26:25 Learn more from Philip Kennedy: Spread Liberty
31:25 Philip's last bit of financial advice