Former Federal Reserve employee turned critic and author is on today to breakdown what's wrong with the US Monetary system from an insider's perspective. She spent 9 years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas advising Richard Fisher. Today she discusses why she wrote her book, what she think of the current FED and even bitcoin and if she knows anything about precious metals price rigging.
01:00 Introduction to Danielle, former Insider at Dallas FED
01:50 FED is not secret banking cabal, they're just incompetent
03:25 Manipulating statistics to preserve perception of a strong economy
05:00 More on who owns the FED, who profits, are they government workers?
07:40 Her Book: Fed Up: An Insider's Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America
09:40 Bitcoin is alternative as governments trashing their currencies
12:10 Unelected FED Leaders have life pensions, No accountability
15:10 Banks rig gold & silver prices down: Any insight from Danielle?
16:10 Get more from Danielle and read her Book